Attestation Services

I,_________________________________________________________________ (name of the sponsor) hereby Solemnly declare that, I undertake to bear cost of passage of the above named person(s) from India to Kuwait and to maintain him/her/them in Kuwait and to ensure their return to India at my cost, if and when necessary.
I state on oath that the above information is correct.

Place: Kuwait
(Signature of the applicant)
Note: 1.This Sponsorship Affidavit can be used for sponsoring family members to visit Kuwait, on Family Visa.
2. Visitors who are holding ECR Passports (Passports containing Emigration Check Required stamp on the last page of the Passport) are required to submit this Affidavit to Office of the Protector of Emigrants (POE) in their respective states for suspension of ECR.

Form No. 5

Requirements for Affidavit/ Declaration for Sponsorship of Family Members

Please Note:

(Delete what so ever is not applicable)
By this Power of Attorney, I ………………………………………. ………….……, holder of Indian Passport No ……………………. Issued at …………………. On …………. (dd/mm/yy), Kuwaiti Civil ID No ………………………………… son of …….…………………………………….. permanent resident of ……………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… do hereby appoint my wife/ son/ brother/ sister/ father/ mother/ friend …………………………………………………………………………., holder of Indian Passport No/ Voter ID Card No ……………………………………………………… issued at …………………………………. On ………………………………., residing at permanent resident of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. as my lawful Attorney/ representative in my name and on my behalf to execute of (do all or details of the things hereinafter mentioned).

And I hereby agree that all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by me, my said attorney/ representative shall be constructed as acts, deeds and things done by me.

I undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever that my said attorney/ representative shall lawfully do or cause to be done for me by virtue of the Power hereby given.

In witness whereof I have signed this Power of Attorney on date ……………………………………………..

Applicant Signature (as per Passport)

Name :
Passport No:

Name :
Passport No:

Requirements for Attestation of General Power of Attorney

Please Note:

Form No.7

(To be submitted in original at PASSPORT OFFICE): …………………………………………………..

I/ We, …………………………………………………………………………….. (Name of FATHER and MOTHER) solemnly declare and affirm as follows:

1. That, I am/ we are the FATHER and MOTHER of …………………………………………. (Name of

Minor) …………………. (Date of Birth) ………………… (Place of Birth) ……………………. (Gender of child) who is a minor and on whose husband/ wife/ guardian made/ intends to make an application for Passport.
2. That, ………………………………………… (Name of minor) has been living in India under guardianship of my husband/ wife.
3. That, I have no interest adverse to that said ………………………………………………… (Name of minor).
4. That, Mr/Mrs ………………………………………. (Name of husband/ wife/ guardian) has applied for a Passport for ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………
…………………………………………………… (Name and address of minor child) with my approval.

Address in Kuwait

Form No. 7

Requirements for Specimen Certificate

Please Note:

Embassy of India
Form No.8

Certified that, I have seen the pensioner Mr. / Mrs. _____________________________
holder of Pension Payment Order No. ________________________ and that he/she is
alive on this date.
He/ She is a holder of Indian / Nepali Passport No. ________________________issued at _________________ (place of issue) on _________________ (date of issue).

(Signature of the Pensioner)

Place : ________________________
Date : ________________________

Form No. 8
Requirements for Life Certificate